About Me

About Me

I am Anna Joy. These are the things that make me.

I follow Jesus. He is my life because he has given me new life. The things that I accomplish are because of Him.

I am a modern-day Prairie Girl who is in love with her modern-day Cowboy.

Together, we have a modern-day Boy who we like to call Chicken, Mustard, Bus, Sleepy Todd, Lil’ O, and of course, Gavin.

I am a graphic design major with a passion for textiles, sewing, and quilts.

I love to cook and eat which is sometimes hard to do because I like to be as healthy as possible. I am always trying to find healthier versions of the bad food I love.

I am an avid runner. I am currently training for a half marathon at the end of this year.

I began sewing when I was about 12 or so. The first thing I learned was embroidery. I ran a T Shirt business for my church when I was 19, embroidering T Shirts with a Bible verse and an image to go with it. At 21, I bought my first sewing machine from Target. It was a portable sewing machine so it was very small. I learned how to make a dozen or so pillow cases on that. The next thing I learned how to make were purses and bags. I am pretty knowledgable about creating bags now but they are by far not my favorite thing to make. I learned how to quilt after I became a mom in 2009. I’ve always had an interest in quilts and decided to plunge in and make one for my son. It was….eh. But that quilt opened the door to many more quilts and now I am addicted. I enjoy sewing items that can be quilted such as quilts (duh), pillows, table runners, coasters, doll quilts, and lots more. I have also become a fabric addict and am slowly building up my fabric stash. My long term goal is to become a textile and quilt designer and to run my own design studio.

Thank you for visiting my blog and come back soon!

Anna Joy