Privileges {Give 1, Save 1}
It is a privilege for me to stand in front of a mirror and take goofy pictures of myself on my fancy camera.
It is a privilege for me to make my son a superhero cape and let him run around in it in only his pull ups (tutorial for the cape is coming by the way).
It is a privilege for me to make these Name Pillows to bring joy to other people.
It is a privilege for me to spend the day with my son and Honey and compare their facial expressions.
These day to day things I take for granted all the time but I am quietly reminded throughout the day that there are others who do not have these privileges to take advantage of. My heart breaks for those children who have no family and are forced on their own, to survive on their own, and they are only a couple of years older than Gavin. I’ve had these feelings for sometime but have not taken action over them.
I know most of you read Ashley’s blog, Under The Sycamore. Were you not moved by her incredible story on Monday? To see how God can move incredible mountains ($40,000 mountains to be exact) and the selfless act of giving half away to a friend…I couldn’t help but cry. After that post, I knew I had to step up and support those families who are trying to bring their children home to them. Yesterday, Ashley posted this link on Facebook that caught my attention right away.
This illustration was designed by the amazing Stephanie Fizer Coleman, a supporting artist for Beth Cupitt’s new vision. The two little girls are drawings of Beth’s children that she is trying to bring home. The mission: To donate a dollar per week to a family who are trying to adopt. It doesn’t sound like a lot and how can a dollar really help? Just see for yourself:
“…your dollar will be saving and restoring lives in all kinds of ways. in ethiopia one in six children don’t live to be five years old. there is a desperate need for basic food, clean water, and medicine. removing a child from an orphanage gives that child a family and a future, something everyone needs. it also frees up a bed in an orphanage for a street child. your dollar will change lives and save lives in ways you may never know.”
That is not asking for a lot. A dollar a week. $4 a month. That’s the price of a grande iced chai tea with soy that I can easily give up to help those who need it more than I do.
So on your lunch break or after you put your kiddos down for a nap, take literally 2 minutes to click on the “Donate” button on her website and it’ll direct you to Paypal and you can go from there. Donate $1 or donate more if you feel lead to it.
Thank you, Ashley, for your incredible testament that nothing is too big for our God to handle and thank you, Beth, for opening up a place for families to receive help and for us to take a small part in their journey.
Happy Wednesday!

I am Anna Joy. These are the things that make me.
I follow Jesus. He is my life because he has given me new life. The things that I accomplish are because of Him.